Did you know?

Did you know that amphetamine stimulating properties were discovered in the 1930’s and its use was to treat nasal congestion and over time it was used to treat hangovers from alcohol consumption and weight loss?
Amphetamine works as a stimulant of the central nervous system, when consumed, it increases certain types of brain activity that results in a greater sense of energy, increased concentration, confidence, and a gratifying euphoria depending on the amount ingested and its best known use is to treat hyperactivity including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy and sometimes to treat depression.
The active components in Amphetamines, makes it present in various drugs, which can be purchased with a medical prescription, but also can be found illegally.

Signs and symptoms

There are many ways to recognize symptoms of amphetamine abuse and these signs in people can be noticed physically, mentally and behaviorally:

  • Increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Upset stomach, nausea
  • Repeated mood swings
  • Violent behavior
  • Paranoia and anxiety
  • Hallucinations: visual, auditory or tactile.
  • Irresponsibility in responding at work, school, or home
  • The person spends a large part of their time looking for or consuming the drug
  • Acquiring amphetamine pills without prescription
  • Changes in interaction with friends and presents difficulties with relationships.
  • Loses interest in any activities.

Due to the way in which amphetamine acts in the body, it makes it a highly addictive substance, causing changes in the behavior of the individual’s brain, causing them to lose the ability to feel pleasure without the constant administration of the drug, going into a destructive state with depressive and suicidal symptoms, which reflects the inability of the person to stop using the drug.

Symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal

When people who use amphetamines stop doing it for a while, they experience withdrawal symptoms making detoxification difficult and without proper medical supervision it makes it one of the most dangerous moments in addiction.

Symptoms associated with amphetamine withdrawal are usually extremely intense and uncomfortable, among which are:

  • Depression after stopping consumption
  • States of complete exhaustion after use of amphetamines
  • Increased appetite
  • Body aches
  • Agitation or irritability
  • Vivid nightmares

Treatment – How to get help?

Although the road to beating amphetamine addiction can be difficult, there are options for its treatment and prevention of relapse. Among the different ways a person can choose to seek help against amphetamine dependence, we have:


If there are signs of amphetamine abuse regardless of its severity in you or a loved one, the main thing is to seek help as soon as possible and to receive the appropriate treatment available.


What to say to a person with amphetamine addiction:

If you have a loved one who suffers from an addiction, remember that sometimes words, regardless of whether they have good intentions, can carry a wrong message and at the same time harmful for the recipient. Keep in mind that people with drug addiction are more emotionally sensitive and insecure.


What not to say to a person with amphetamine addiction:

To avoid causing them extra and unnecessary pain, take note of the following comments:

“Once and addict, always an addict”

“Going cold turkey is the only answer”

“It’s your parent’s fault”

“Lets have a drink” 

“You just need to pull yourself together”


Substance Abuse and Mental Health info

At SAMHA, we are here to listen to you, to guide you, and to advocate for you.







