Special Coaching offered by Mina
Specialised Coaching Suitable for Everyone.
Mina Kostova is one of our affiliated coaches. She can provide coaching services related to: confidence, career orientation, balance, self direction, imposter syndrome, and more.
Read below to find out about the types of coaching she offers:
Confidence Coaching
- Awareness wheel
- Confidence toolkit
- How to build self-confidence
- 5 pillars of resilience
Career Orientation
- Discover strengths and gifts
- Uncover limiting beliefs
- Fear of failure
- Setting goals
- Personal branding
- Action plan
Coaching for Balance
- Nutrition
- Connecting time
- Focus time
- Play time
- Time in
Leading Self
- Purpose and values
- Circle of influence
- Immunity to change
- Improve performance and impact
Imposter Syndrome
- Identify and overcome negative inner voice
- Labelling self-doubts and limiting beliefs
- Technics to deal with anxiety

About Mina:
Mina, originally from Bulgaria, moved to Finland 5,5 years ago following a romantic dream to create a better future for her two boys. She is a certified brain-based, and ICF accredited coach with more than 20 years of professional experience in different business fields. Last two years, Mina has been focusing her coaching and mentoring practice to support international people in their transitions and integration. She is also actively engaged with organisations to empower international women in Finland. Mina provides a few services for us: peer support groups facilitation, 1to1 and group coaching.
Mina’s favourite quote is: “ The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” by Socrates.