Did you know?

Opioid use disorder is a chronic disorder that can last a lifetime and cause serious consequences in a person, including disability, relapses, and death.Opioids are natural and synthetic chemicals that interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain, which reduce the sensation of pain.
Generally, opioids are medications given with a prescription and controlled to treat acute pain, chronic pain, cancer treatment, within which we can include Analgesics, Synthetic Opioids and Heroin.

Symptoms associated to Opioid addiction

Opioids are helpful to reduce pain, however they in turn can cause adverse effects and it common signs as follow:

  • Being unable to control the opioid use
  • Unable to control the cravings
  • Drowsiness
  • Mental confusion
  • Episodes of Euphoria
  • Changes in their sleep timing
  • Nausea and constipation
  • Constant symptoms of flu
  • Weight loss
  • Lack of hygiene
  • Isolating themselves from family and friends
  • Stealing to get the doses
  • Faking being sick to get doctor’s appointments to get prescriptions in high doses, they can cause depression and breathing problems

How to help?

Given the seriousness associated with the use of opioids, it is time to face the stigma associated with the user who suffers from it. This limits the availability of care and discourages opioid users from seeking help.

Quitting or reducing opioid use by itself is not that risky, however it is always advisable to consult a doctor about detoxification to treat opioid addiction, as there may be another associated disease that could be worsened by withdrawal symptoms or if there are signs of pregnancy.

Remember that a trained professional can go a long way in helping your loved one begin the recovery process. If the person wants to make the change, help and accompany him in discussing treatment options, so that he feels calm during the transition. In the event that they refuse help, you can try to show and explain the programs to them. This simple act can make a difference in a person’s life.

Treatment – How to get help?

Main methods of treatment against opioid addiction are:

Therapies using methadone or buprenorphine
these are opioids that cause us intoxication when the correct dose is used as they help eliminate withdrawal symptoms
Addiction treatment counseling
withdrawal management, day treatment, mutual help groups like Narcotics Anonymous).

If you, or your loved one experience the above symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can guide you to the right support and services.


What to say to a person with opioid addiction:

To talk to a loved one, a friend about addiction, remember to be careful with your words and put prejudices aside and try to focus on the following aspects:

  • Focus on speaking in a first person manner to avoid accusatory language
  • Use language that shows that your concern for your loved one’s health is the most important
  • Focus the conversation on the effects of addiction and the impact that can cause in the person’s life

Using these three ways intertwined you can receive a greater and positive response from the person with opioid addiction.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health info

At SAMHA, we are here to listen to you, to guide you, and to advocate for you.







