OmaKehu supports men at risk of exclusion through word art
The OmaKehu project improves the position of men at risk of exclusion in the labor market and in life in general through word art. In the functional part of the project:
- aphorism and motto workshops are organized
- “boy stories” are compiled into an audiobook, e-publication and podcasts
- songs are sung under the guidance of a professional musician and
- performance skills are practiced at the Nuuksio campfire.
Each participant gets their own personal skill coach. The output of word art creates an electronic portfolio for participants that can be used to obtain a job or study. The project began in October 2020 and will end in March 2023. HUMAK is the project’s finalist and co-implementer of Into Kustannus.
Arto Lindholm
+358 40 034 9386
Introduction video