Did you know?

Around the world people suffering depression

People suffering depression around the world

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. More women than men are afflicted with depression across the globe. Depression can be a leading factor in suicide and is often the precursor. Around 800,000 people commit suicide every year. Depression rates are rising every year. Oftentimes, people with depression are misdiagnosed. Between 76-86% of people in low or middle-income countries are not receiving treatment for depression.  A lack of well-trained professionals, combined with the stigma surrounding mental health and depression, and a lack of resources contribute to the barriers persons with depression have to get help.

What is it?

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common but serious mental illness that negatively affects the way you feel, think and behave. More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn’t a weakness and you can’t simply “snap out” of it. Do not feel discouraged, although depression can require long-term treatment, it can be managed, treated and cured with the right help.

What are the signs?

  • Depressed mood (constant feelings of sadness, a feeling of emptiness and irritability
  • Loss of interest and enjoyment in things that once brought you joy
  • Reduced energy and lower activity levels (at least two weeks)
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of sleep or disturbed sleep
  • Disturbed appetite
  • Guilt or low self-worth
  • Poor concentration

Note that depression can be mild, moderate or severe. During a mild episode, the individual will have some difficulties in continuing daily life and ordinary work and social activities, but will not stop functioning. In a severe episode, it is unlikely that a person will be able to continue with normal functioning within social and work settings, but some limited functioning will still happen.

Treatment – How to get help?

Depression stems from multiple reasons, but usually people who have gone through situations such as loss, divorce, unemployment, physical trauma and abuse are more likely to develop depression. Therapy, a supportive environment and oftentimes, medication are the most common ways to treat it.

If you, or your loved one experience the above symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can guide you to the right support and services.


What to say to a person with depression:

‘’You are not alone! I may not understand how you feel but I am here for you.’

’‘’What can I do to help today?’’

‘’You are important to me.’’

‘’You are not going crazy.’’

‘’That sounds really difficult, how are you coping?’’


What not to say to a person with depression:

‘’There’s always someone worse off than you are’’

‘’It’s just inside your head!’’

‘’Life is just unfair. Nothing we can do about it.’’

‘’Stop feeling sorry for yourself.’’

‘’Think positive.’’


Substance Abuse and Mental Health info

At SAMHA, we are here to listen to you, to guide you, and to advocate for you.







