Treatment – What can you do and how to get help?
This is the time to pause, reflect, change directions by learning how you can help yourself to recover and feel healthy and positive again.
You can communicate with human resources to let them know about your concerns or stressful working situation. With them, you can find a way to deal with workplace stress in order to alleviate the burn out.
Try to find something valuable to do at work. Find a meaning in your everyday tasks by focusing on things you enjoy.
Make friends at work. Having people around you to joke and chat can help to relieve the stress the workplace creates.
Regular breaks, exercise, healthy eating, can help combat burn out.
It is important that you also take time off the things that make you stressed and anxious.
If you, or your loved one experience the above symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can guide you to the right support and services.